昨晚我们举行了一年一度的校情活动. 这是一个喜庆的夜晚,父母, 监护人, 老师, and staff come together for social connection and to hear a bit about how things are going at the school. 这是我最喜欢的部分, aside from the magnificent performance by the Swamp Cats – our select jazz combo – was fielding questions from bbin娱乐平台 families. 这些问题不是关于任何一个学生的, 而是表达了对该机构成功的兴趣. 其中几个问题背后的精神是关于父母如何提供帮助. What kind of social entrepreneurship opportunities are available to students and how can parents open more doors? 随着学校在波士顿市建立更多的合作伙伴关系, 住在波士顿的父母能起到什么作用呢? 这所学校很幸运,有这样一个奉献和慷慨的家庭. 每年都有几十个... 更多的
bbin娱乐平台 is delighted to present the 2024-2025 Distinguished 校友 Award to Major Lydia Hill '11 for her 服务 in the United States Air Force as well as for her advocacy on behalf of LGBTQIA airmen. 这个年度奖项, 2022年发射, goes to an alumnus/a who best exemplifies the values of bbin娱乐平台 and has used those qualities to make an impact on the community and world around them. 该奖项的提名来自整个校友社区, 获奖者由北亚大学校友会选出. Major Hill graduated from bbin娱乐平台 in 2011 and went on to the United States Air Force Academy, 2015年,她作为一名杰出毕业生在哪里获得了委托. 希尔少校在USAFA留下了她自己的遗产, 成立了LGBTQIA学员频谱联盟, 哪一个到今天还在运作. 希尔少校曾担任过kc -135和f -16的飞机维修官, 曾担任翼行政主任, 更多的
本周早些时候, I spent three days visiting a peer school and leading a committee of educators from around New England tasked with evaluating that school for reaccreditation; all independent schools in our region go through a process like this periodically. 对我们这些来访的人来说, it was a wonderful chance to immerse ourselves in another school culture and learn from excellent peers. 对我来说,这次访问在另一方面也很特别. A member of the visiting team was one of my favorite 老师 from when I was a boy in high school. 除了我的父母, 他可能对我的成长和现在的我影响最大. 他是我成为一名教师的一个重要原因. We have stayed in touch over the years, which has mostly consisted of me asking for advice. 我最近才开始给他打电话... 更多的
Thirty-four percent of the 波士顿大学学院 Class of 2025 received recognition in the 70th annual National Merit Scholarship Program competition. The competition 荣誉 the nation’s scholastic champions and recognizes exceptional academic promise in high school seniors nationwide. 17名现任北航大四学生被评为国家优秀学生. 在这17位获奖学者中, 五名北航高年级学生被评为全国优秀半决赛选手, placing them among the top 1% of all US high school seniors who entered the competition. / (1.在21世纪有300万青少年,000 high schools entered the 2025 National Merit Scholarship Program by taking the 2023 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). The nationwide pool of Semifinalists includes the highest-scoring entrants in each state. 半决赛选手将有机会争夺2个席位中的一个,500国家功绩$25,000年奖学金. 国家优秀奖学金入围者名单将于2025年2月公布. One member of the bbin娱乐平台 Class of 2025 received College Board National Recognition Program 荣誉 by... 更多的
Ada '25分享了2024年10月1日bbin娱乐平台越野队比赛的重述: 上周二,越野车队在BISB的另一场丘陵比赛中获胜! 比赛从一场艰苦的战斗开始, 带领参赛者进入一条部分树木覆盖的小径, 最后回到人行道上. 为了纪念这三圈的比赛,我想给大家三个特别的欢呼. 第一个, 祝贺大一新生,玛雅28, 詹姆斯28, 尼尔的28, 乔纳森的28, 还有28岁的尤素福,感谢他们的出现,为这场比赛付出了一切! 他们本赛季的努力在他们激烈的开局中得到了体现, 他们彼此的欢呼让他们在整个过程中都保持着斗志. 其次,特别向25届的达芙妮致敬,她的结尾处特别强劲. 进入比赛的最后阶段, 达芙妮和另一个跑步者并驾齐驱,最后一个是加油, 她飞快地奔向教堂... 更多的
I recently had the pleasure of covering an 11th-grade English class for a teacher who was out for the day. The teacher had left behind a great lesson; in his absence, he asked students to discuss several questions he had prepared related to the chapters of The Scarlet Letter. 时间飞逝. The students – with no guidance from this former history teacher except for a passing clarification about Calvinism – 订婚了 in an non-stop energetic conversation around the oval table. They pointed to specific language in the text to support their arguments – refreshing in an age where facts don’t seem to matter. 他们以彼此的观点为基础. They asked one another questions: “How did you all interpret the narrator’s description of . . . .当他们互相挑战时,他们是带着尊重的态度去做的:“我没有看到。. 你选了这一章的什么地方... 更多的
在大多数早晨, I stand outside the front entrance of the school and greet students by name and with a fistbump. 一个新生问我为什么这么做. 原因有很多,我想和大家分享一下可能会有所帮助. 为一个, 早上可能会很有压力, 尤其是在MBTA脾气暴躁、交通状况糟糕的日子里. 学生们背负着这种压力, along with the anticipatory stress of whatever test or quiz or game or concert or might be coming that day. 我的希望是一个温暖, personal human connection from an adult before walking through the door can bring the heart rate down and spirits up. 被人看到在心理上是很重要的, 被叫到名字, 作为个体受到欢迎. And there’s something comforting in the consistency of the ritual at the start of the day. 更多的
高中是练习独立和学习责任的关键时期, 包括正确使用技术的责任. 我们的学生值得我们信任. 同时, we know that cell phones and associated apps are designed to keep attention and be addictive. 关于青少年和手机使用的研究, 最近在乔纳森·海特的书《bbin集团》中得到了总结和推广, 令人信服的理由是,即使是最成熟的, 订婚了, well-meaning young people can struggle to limit cell and social media use – potentially at a cost to their learning and social-emotional health. 长期以来,bbin娱乐平台类一直是一个深入人心的地方, 同学之间、学生与老师之间的面对面交流. To honor that tradition, we have created cell-phone-free classroom environments this year. 现在,学生们在每节课开始时都把手机放在手机盒里. 在此期间,手机会留在那里... 更多的
周二, 9月3日, 2024, 波士顿大学学院院长克里斯·科洛沃斯欢迎学生, 教师, 教职员工回到学校,以公民话语为主题做开场白. 下面是他讲话的全文. 早上好. On behalf of the 教师 and staff, welcome to the 32nd year of 波士顿大学学院. 特别欢迎我们的新同学. 你们都是令人印象深刻的人, but what binds you together and connects you to all of us is your kindness and your curiosity. 你会让我们变得更好,我们很高兴你来了. 2025届的同学们,欢迎回来. 我们在老年人静修会上一起玩得很开心. You will set the tone for all of us this year, and we are excited about your leadership. 说到高年级学生, 过一会儿我将很荣幸地介绍亚历克斯·弗曼, 你的学生会主席. 之前... 更多的
周一, 5月20日, 2024, 波士顿大学学院 hosted its 30th 毕业典礼 exercise at BU’s Tsai Performance Center. The bbin娱乐平台 Class of 2024 crossed the stage to receive their diplomas from 校长 Chris Kolovos and Associate 校长 Rosemary White. Ibukun Owolabi '24 and Anais Kim '24 delivered the student addresses; Olga Meserman '24 and Elizabeth Brown '24 recited the Classics orations in Latin and Greek, 分别. Following the ceremony, graduates and their families celebrated with a reception on BU Beach. 波士顿大学临时校长肯尼斯. 弗里曼发表了今年毕业典礼的主题演讲. President Freeman drew on his 40-year career in business to impart some life lessons to our graduates, 留言:“我有三条信息要给你. 如果您采用它们作为您的工具包的一部分, you'll make a difference in the world; you'll enjoy your life personally and professionally; and you can do so with a... 更多的